Photo: Espen Pedersen
Code of conduct
We ask everyone who wishes to experience our geological heritage to move without leaving a trace and thus help preserve it for future generations.
Our weather changes rapidly. Bring food, clothes and shoes for rough weather. Always use life west at sea in smaller boats.
Take your trash home with you.
Leave only your own footprints behind.
Keep to the trails,
both for your own safety and protection of vulnerable species.
Leave stones, fossils and plants where they are.
Take only photos.
Respect others
Help the inhabitants by keeping gates closed, avoid blocking roads when parking and always pay attention to livestock.
Minimize fire risk.
Uncontrolled fire can destroy large areas/habitats that take a long time to repair. Do not discard cigarette butts or bottles that can cause fires.
Right to Roam
The Norwegian Right of public access gives everybody permission to experience the open country as far as you do it in a considerate way. In pastures you could walk along roads and trails as fa as you keep good distance to houses and courtyards. You could also walk cross frozen or snow covered pastures between 15.october till 29. april. It is forbidden to make open fires between 15.april till 15.november. Dogs must be restrained between 01.april till 20.august, but under good control all year. Be respectful of livestock, and close all gates.
You could put up tent in open country and woods as far as you do not disturb the landowner. Tent or hammock must be at least 150 meters from houses, and could be there for maximum 2 days, unless landowner gives you permission to stay longer. If tenting in alpine mountains or far from houses the limitation for 2 days is not relevant.